Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 Ways to Love Your Job

5 Ways to Love Your Job 5 Ways to Love Your Job 3 Feb 2020 Rachel Brown We live in a world where it’s commonly accepted that work is something to be tolerated rather than enjoyed. However, there seems to be a shift in attitude in some of the more progressive organisations out there; employees and employers alike are beginning to understand workplace wellbeing and the importance of it. Happiness and wellness at work go hand in hand with loving what you do, so we wanted to introduce some things to consider to help you step into a role that you love, not just tolerate. Find a Career You Enjoy First and foremost, to ensure you love coming into work every day, you need to have an interest in the job (for the most part) and enjoy what the work involves. If you despise numbers but have a career in accountancy, you’re most likely not going to enjoy the job. If you’re squeamish, maybe becoming a surgeon isn’t the best career move. See where we’re going with this? It doesn’t necessarily have to be your eternal passion, but just something that you have an interest in or enjoy doing. For example, a lot of the staff here at Eden Scott enjoy their career in recruitment because they enjoy the interaction with people and the rewarding feeling when they help them find their perfect job. It can be something as small as enjoying being part of a team or not wanting to be glued to your desk, so long as you listen to yourself and don’t just pursue a career for the sake of it. So, take some time to consider what you truly enjoy and have an interest in; there’s almost always a job for everyone. Find a Job That Prioritises Work-Life Balance Being a ‘workaholic’ isn’t trendy anymore, folks! You might think that if you find a job you love you’ll want to do it all the time, but it’s vitally important that you have a life outside of work and that your working conditions allow for this. Everyone needs time to focus on self-development, other projects, or just plain relaxation. If you’re interested in getting more time to concentrate on your personal life, consider jobs that have adequate holiday allowance or a flexible-working scheme. Even if you love being at work, we all need a break (and your wellbeing will thank you for it). Learn to Say Yes, and No It can be tough, but a big part of enjoying your work is understanding what opportunities to seize while also being assertive enough to not accept more than you can comfortably manage. Many people bite off more than they can chew and find themselves with a heavy workload and a hectic schedule that causes them stress â€" try not to be this person (easier said than done, of course). The 2019 Labour Force Survey reported that in the UK there were 602,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety, of which 44% came from workload. If you’re getting bombarded with a consistently growing to-do list to the point where your relationship with your job is being tarnished, learn to say no and communicate your concerns to your manager. With that being said, we don’t mean to say that you should turn down every opportunity that comes your way. If there’s an exciting project you want to contribute to, take the opportunity to get involved! It’s really all about finding that healthy balance between saying yes and no to ensure you’re doing enough, but not too much. Surround Yourself with Good Company They say you don’t have to be best friends with your colleagues, but it certainly helps if you enjoy working with them. These are the people you see day-in and day-out and, let’s be honest, if you don’t enjoy being around them, you’re not going to enjoy going to work and being in their company all day. Make the effort to talk to your colleagues; there’s bound to be a common interest between you and someone at work if you look hard enough. Cultivating a friendly relationship with your co-workers (for the most part) can really help with not just your happiness, but also your motivation and productivity. If All Else Fails, Go Job Searching There really is no use in sticking to a job that makes you unhappy. You can, and should, find a career that exercises your interests and abilities - whatever they may be. If you’re finding yourself feeling consistently miserable about your current role, it might be time to consider a new one for the sake of your happiness. Don’t settle for less. Yes, the financial benefits of a job are important, but so is your happiness and wellbeing. If you’re looking for a job to fall in love with, get in touch with our team who will help you in finding that perfect role.

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